UN 3360  Class 4.1   FIBRES, VEGETABLE, DRY

 Cotton Dry is transported globally as bales.  Prior to 1st January 1999 all cotton bales were transported as Class 4.1, Flammable solids, by sea transport.  During the preceding years extensive studies were conducted on the flammability of cotton bales.

English: Cotton Bale

 These studies  conducted by US Department of Transport (DOT) included cigarette, matches, open flame tests, spontaneous combustion and self-heating properties of cotton bales. Bales of varying measurements and density were put through these tests to evaluate the hazard involved during transport.  

 US DOT submitted the results of these tests to IMO in 1998 and IMO approved the same resulting in provisions for cotton bales having certain density to be excluded from the provisions of Class 4.1, flammable solids, under IMDG Code.

 Special provision 299 of IMDG Code states

Consignments of:

(i) Cotton, dry having a density not less than 360 kg/m3;

(ii) Flax, dry having a density not less than 400 kg/m3;

(iii) Sisal, dry having a density not less than 360 kg/m3 according to ISO 8115:1986; and

(iv) Tampico Fibre, dry having a density not less than 360 kg/m3.

 are not subject to the provisions of this Code when transported in closed cargo transport units.

Further Reference :

U.S. Cotton Bale Dimensions

ISO 8115 : 1986 Cotton bales — Dimensions and density

National Cotton Council of America

China Cotton Association


By shashi kallada

25 years in Merchant Shipping, Last 13 years working on Packaged Dangerous Goods Sailor, Ex Manager Global Dangerous Goods Maersk Line * Freelance Photographer *Amateur Cyclist

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