20th January 1914 thirteen nations agreed on the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

The tragedy which hit the RMS Titanic on 14th April 1912 resulting in death of more than 1500 lives was the catalyst to adoption of SOLAS Convention.

 The Preamble of SOLAS 1914 reads

His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, in the name of the German Empire ; H.M. the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King of Hungary; H.M. the King of the Belgians; HANI: the King of Denmark; HM the King of Spain ; the President of the United States of America ; the President of the French Republic; H.M. the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India ; H.M. the King of Italy ; H.M. the King of Norway ; H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands; H.M. the Emperor of all the Russia ; H.M. the King of Sweden ; Having recognised the desirability of determining by common agreement certain uniform rules with respect to the safety of life at sea, have decided to conclude a Convention to that end, and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries, that is to say :—“


 This land mark convention included requirements for Safety of Navigation, watertight and fire resistant bulkheads, life-saving appliances, fire prevention and firefighting appliances on passenger ships and the carriage of radiotelegraph equipment for ships carrying more than 50 persons.

Click below to download full text of SOLAS 1914 Convention in French and English (Page 71 onwards English).

SOLAS 1914 Full text ( French and English )

By shashi kallada

25 years in Merchant Shipping, Last 13 years working on Packaged Dangerous Goods Sailor, Ex Manager Global Dangerous Goods Maersk Line * Freelance Photographer *Amateur Cyclist

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